Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sex and the City 2

As a dedicated Sex and the City fan dating all the way back to the first pilot/season (remember when it first started on HBO before the DVD marathons began?), I'm constantly delighted by each level of success it attains.  First, when I heard about the movie ("could it be true?") to when I heard of the sequel ("no way!"); and now, after months of watching the ladies' wardrobes shooting around New York, the first piece of tangible PR has dropped for movie number two. 

The general feel of the poster makes me wonder if there will also be some expensive theatrical explosives in these scenes.  SJP is looking every bit like the modern day James Bond.  But, on a more anti-climatic note, the wardrobe is... very disappointing.  The white maxi dress looks like something I could have picked up at Target on clearance.  I hope they release a poster for each of the ladies.  I'm rooting for Sam to pull it out!

1 comment:

  1. you know, i never even watched the 1st movie! i loved the television show so much, i didn't want to be let down by the movies.. LOL! i think all the young, newbie fans kind of put off the movie for me too.. and the SATC tour bus that drives around the mid-western housewives..



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