Thursday, December 03, 2009

Vacation Expenditures

I should probably never take a vacation.

Girls (at least yours truly) always find a "reason" to go shopping prior to going on vacation.  And truth be told, girls (yours truly) feel "entitled" to go shopping while on vacation because "I'm on vacation!"...  This is a lose-lose attitude no matter how you look at it.  It feels good, but the best things in life bad behavior often do.

Well, with all that said . . .  I am going on vacation.

Next weekend, I will be going to New Orleans (random) and the weekend following I will be visiting Asia.   Even prior to packing, I've already ran into the road block of "which coat to bring?".  I have been digging around for potential candidates and decided to [vainly] share them here.

1 comment:

  1. you have a reason to be vainnn; those coats are beauu on you : )



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