With that said, I still can't help but gripe about their recent collection of handbags. Being a bag fiend (and on a mission for a new tote), I've scoured and scrutinized all the current collections asking, "Are -you- my next bag?". And Burberry came pretty close. Their new line of bags seemed low-key and versatile, with a casual personality, enough room to be street-ready, modern dark metal buckles and functional tote-to-shoulder-bag-to-messenger convertibility.
Below is a gorgeously shot ad from Burberry on its new line of bags
(this style comes in many different variations: check and non-check).

Also some nice variations of the same shape:
Medium Brit Quilted Leather Hobo Bag
$1095 (relatively well priced for an all-leather bag)
$1095 (relatively well priced for an all-leather bag)
Cotton Canvas Lowry Bag
$1395 (semi pricey for a non-all-leather handbag)
When I visited these handbags in person, however, I was disappointed to discover that the handles of these bags were stiff - like metal-hanger stiff. The bags themselves were also stiff. This entire translation felt contradictory and uncomfortable. How could anything be "structured rouched"? Isn't this an oxymoron? I think this may be the dealbreaker for me.
What do you think?
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