Sunday, January 31, 2010

Classic Books

I love visiting Anthropologie - a reminder of the natural and simple life being the good life.

Today, I found and became fixated with a table full of vintage novels.  The sleeveless, nostalgic hardcover, the texture of the floral designs, the simplicity of the title font ...  I imagine curling up with these books on a cold day with fuzzy socks while residing in a cottage overlooking the snowy meadow; with rich cocoa and a fireplace, lost in old-world romanticism...

I found 7 of these books with Amazon for a little a lot less. 
Here's Sense and Sensibility.
This was my favorite cover of them all (Great Expectations)

Equally exquisite candle tins

1 comment:

  1. i got these for miko for secret santa!! :D aren't they gorgeous?!



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